AQAR 2020-21 PART A
AQAR 2020-21 PART B
1.1.1 Curriculum Design & Development
1.4.2 - The feedback system of the Institution
2.2.1 Special Programmes for both Slow and Advanced Learners.
2.3.2 - ICT-enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching and learning
2.5.3 - IT integration and reforms in the examination
2.6.1 - Programme Outcomes and Course Outcomes-Student Induction Programme
2.7.1 - Student Satisfaction Survey
3.1.1 - The institution’s Research Policy
3.2.2 - Number of teachers having research projects during the year
3.4.4 - Number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published per teacher during the year
4.1.1 - The Institution infrastructure and physical facilities
4.1.2 Facilities for cultural and sports facilities
4.3.1 - Institution has an IT policy
4.3.4 - Institution has facilities for e-content development
5.1.3 - The Capacity Development and Skill Enhancement activities
6.1.1 - The Vision and Mission of the College
6.2.1 - The institutional Strategic/ Perspective plan
7.1.1 - Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender