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Contribute to building a new social order based on human dignity and social justice.
Work with a preferential option for the vulnerable and exploited, both locally and globally. Build a cadre of young, competent professionals having a global perspective and a strong value base of compassion, personal integrity, moderation, tolerance and self-respect.
About Us
The College of Social Work was founded in 1955 by religious sisters, known as The Daughters of the Heart of Mary, whose charism is to readily respond to felt needs of the people according to the signs of the times.
In the years following the independence of India, the founders discerned that the nation’s struggle for development would be served not so much by material relief as by sensitive social concern and insightful committed action. Accordingly the College was born to realize their dream. The Institute of Social Service Trust managed the College till 1978. Since 1978, the Nirmala Niketan Institute >>

Message from the Principal
‘The highest law of love is service’ is the motto of the College of Social Work.
College of Social Work (Autonomous), Nirmala Niketan was founded in 1955 by a religious society of Catholic Christian women, known as The Daughters of the Heart of Mary, whose charism is to readily respond to felt needs of the people according to the signs of the times.
In the years following the independence of India, the founders discerned that the nation’s struggle for development would be served not so much by material relief as by sensitive social concern and insightful committed action. Accordingly the College was founded to realize its vision. The Institute of Social Service Trust managed the College till 1978. Since 1978, the Nirmala Niketan Institute has become the parent body of the College.
The Institute awarded its own Diploma in Social Work, till 1965. The institute sought affiliation for MSW program from University of Bombay under the Faculty of Arts and got it in 1969. Realizing the need to respond to professional interventions at different levels, the College also started its university recognized three year BSW program in 1971. These programs are revised periodically in order to ensure that the educational content of the courses are relevant to the social reality of contemporary life.
Under article 30(1) of the Constitution of India, the college has received the catholic minority status since 1995 and thus has 50 percent seats reserved for the catholic minority, As an academic institution our goal is to build a cadre of professional social workers, irrespective of caste, creed and sex, equipped with a keen intellectual ability to analyse the complex social reality and to effectively intervene as catalysts of social change at multiple levels in society. The college thus admits everyone without discrimination, on the basis of merit, interest and other legal provisions.
The University recognized the college as a Doctoral research centre and enabled students to enrol for Ph.D. program in social work from 1997
Over the years, the College has been evolving its specific commitments, which relate to all aspects of its functions namely; teaching, field instruction, research, administration, and field
action projects. It encourages its teaching and non-teaching staff to get involved and contribute to the community through these services. The primary emphasis of the curricular and co-curricular programmes is on the most disadvantaged urban and rural population. The focus of the programmes provides a structural perspective of issues affecting the slum, rural and tribal communities and also searches for various approaches of problem solving processes. There is a commitment to address the problems of health, education and employment of marginalized and disadvantaged groups while adopting rights based and a humane approach of social and development services for all, irrespective of caste, creed, language and sex.
Vision of the College
The College strives to contribute to the building of a new social order in the country, based on human dignity and social justice. To work with the preferential option for the vulnerable
and exploited groups in society both locally and globally. The vision sums up the ideological leanings and value orientation of the institution, inspired by its founding members. The philosophical value postulates highlighted in the vision and mission statements are also in congruence with the social ideals contained in the preamble of the Constitution of India.
Mission of the College
To build a cadre of young committed professionals having a global perspective and strong value base of compassion, personal integrity, moderation, tolerance and self-respect. Academic Programmes College offers wide range of academic programmes in Bachelors, Masters and PhD level of social work education.
Regular Programmes:
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Master of Social Work (MSW)
Doctoral Programme in Social Work
Add on Courses:
Social Entrepreneurship
Art Based Therapy
Media Skills
Basic Skills in Research for field practitioners
Short Term Program/ Courses:
Diploma in Social Work
Certificate Course in law and Social Work
Certificate Course in Peace Education
Certificate in Social Work for Para Professionals (Youth)
Certificate in Social Work for Senior Citizens
Certificate in Management of Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs)
Certificate in Basic Skills in Counselling
P.G. Diploma. in Therapeutic Counselling
P.G. Diploma. in Research Methodology
P.G. Diploma. in Child Rights and Child Protection
P.G. Diploma in Inter Religious Dialogue and Water for Sustainable Development
P.G Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility.
Field Action Projects:
1. Anubhav Youth Development Centre at Goregaon for College and Community Youth
2. Spandan Project at Savroli and Anveer padas at Talasari for Tribal Women and
3. Pravas Project for the Elderly population in Goregaon Slum communities
4. Saksham SSR Project for TB and HIV/AIDS
Nirmiti Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
On 9th July 2019, the Nirmiti Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship was inaugurated, with financial support from RUSA, Maharashtra. The centre aims to support social entrepreneurship and offer academic programs where the students, immediately after graduation, get guidance, mentoring, physical space and network for funding and value-based collaboration. The centre also conducts Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programmes at Raigad and Talasari for tribal population in collaboration with local NGOs and the Urban
Entrepreneurship Development Programme for students.
The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) constituted by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, awarded the College the FIVE STAR status for its academic excellence in 2001. On 31st March 2007, the same body, after further inspection and appraisal re-accredited the College of Social Work at the A+ level with an Institutional Score of 93 per cent. The College of Social Work, Nirmala Niketan is reaccredited (Third Cycle) by the National Accreditation and Assessment Cell (NAAC) with A Grade (3.53 CGPA out of 4) in May 2015 valid up to 31st Dec 2024.
On 12th Feb 2019, the University Grants Commission has conferred Autonomous Status to the College of Social Work, Nirmala Niketan for a period of ten years w.e.f 2019-2020 to 2028-2029.
On 29th June 2024, the University of Mumbai as per the Maharashtra Government Gazettee Uniform Statute no. 1 of 2023 dated May 2023 has granted Empowered Autonomous Status to the College of Social Work for a period of ten years from the academic year 2024-25 to 2033-34.
In National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, India Rankings College of Social Work Nirmala Niketan Ranked as follows:
In 2020: 62 Rank
In 2021 : 71 Rank
In 2022: 69 Rank
In 2023: 57 Rank
in 2024 : in the band of 101 to 150 Rank
College of Social Work received prestigious National Educational Excellence Award as Top and Most Innovative College of the year 2021 (UG/PG Courses in Social Work) India Award under ‘Quality Education, Overall Exposure to the students, Outstanding Administration and Social Contribution ‘Category for the year 2021 along with another award under the category Outstanding Performance in Virtual Knowledge Delivery during Pandemic by the Begin Up Intelligence Private Limited.
Job Opportunities:
Our graduates and post-graduates have been grounded in liberal arts and generalist social work perspectives and are employed in the government and Non-Government Organizations, Social Movements, Hospitals, Social Enterprises, Cooperatives, International Development Agencies and Corporate Social Responsibility Projects, in capacities such as Social Workers, Community Organizers, Program Officers, Social Planners, Development Facilitators, and Social Welfare Administrators. I am grateful for the commitment and sincere efforts of each and every member of the Management, students, alumni, NGO partners, field work organisations, Teaching, Administrative and Support staff which help us to strive higher in keeping alive the quality of the institute. We are confident that we will continue to forge ahead and break new patterns while addressing the various concerns of our contemporary society.
Dr. Lidwin Dias
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