Chief Editors and Editorial Board (2021-2024)
- Dr. Lidwin Dias, Principal, College of Social Work (Autonomous), Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai
Contact details: Tel: 022-2209- 3778 - Dr. Geeta Balakrishnan, Former Principal, College of Social Work (Autonomous), Mumbai
Contact details: Tel: 022-2200-2615
- Dr. Zubair Meenai, Professor, Department of Social Work, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
- Dr. Joseph M.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Mumbai
- Dr. Melody Kshetrimayum, Assistant Professor, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
- Dr. Bala Raju Nikku, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work and Human Service, Thompson Rivers University, Canada
- Dr. Yamini Suvarna, Senior Consultant (Research), Mumbai
- Dr. Anita Panot, Associate Professor, College of Social Work (Autonomous), Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai
- Ms. Sonia Rodrigues, Assistant Professor, College of Social Work (Autonomous), Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai
- Dr. Kalyani Talvelkar, Assistant Professor, College of Social Work (Autonomous), Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai
- Dr. Ronald Yesudhas, Assistant Professor, College of Social Work (Autonomous), Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai
- Mr. Mukund Modak (DTP)
- Ms. Reshma Pereira (Secretary)
Roles and Responsibilities of Editorial Board
- The editor will have full authority to determine the editorial content of the journal and will be responsible for the accuracy of the same
- He/She will review the work of the Editorial Board closely and regularly, and make recommendations arising from the review
- He/She will oversee the timely publication of the Journal
- He/She will chair all the meetings of the Editorial Board
- The editor will appoint, in consultation with the Editorial Board, members who are capable of main¬taining the highest editorial standards in accordance with the terms of reference
- The editor will provide a forum for members of the Editorial Board to supply and discuss ideas for the development of the Journal
- The editor will also liaise with the publisher of the Journal
- The changes suggested in the journal by the editor will be considered as final
- The assistant editor is expected to
- Develop the content of the journal each year
- Comment and advise on the journal policies, in consultation with the editor
- Establish, maintain and interpret author and reviewer guidelines
- He/ She must regularly interact and co-ordinate the entire process of reviewing of articles with the peer reviewers
- The dummy copy of every issue must be submitted in hard format to the assistant editor and the editor before final printing
- The assistant editor is expected to further copy edit the content and language of the articles in the dummy copy
- He / She is expected to proof read every article before submitting the final copy to the editor
- The assistant editor will also liaise with the publisher of the Journal in case of non-availability of the editor
- Solicit articles/manuscripts for very issue of the journal
- Review, edit, and approve the technical content of the journal
- Identify and suggest key topics to include in the journal and invite key authors on these topics to submit an article.
- Identify key contributed research, workshops, or panel topics from meetings/conferences suitable for publication in Perspectives in Social Work and invite presenters to submit an article
Following points MUST be checked by the reviewer right in the first review of any research article-
- Manuscripts submitted for articles should be not more than 3000 to 5000 words, NOT including references, figures, or tables. All parts of the manuscript should be typewritten in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with margins of at least one inch on all sides.
- All evidence based statements within the article must be supported with proper citations.
- Authors should ensure that ALL in-text citations have a corresponding reference entry and that each reference entry is cited in the text. Articles with citations but without reference list or vice-versa should NOT be accepted.
- About the abstract - Each article should be summarized in an abstract of no more than 150 words. Abstracts must be structured, using four headings: Objective, Method, Results, and Conclusions. Format the abstract as a single paragraph. Abbreviations and citations NOT to be included in the abstract unless the study replicates or builds directly on another's work.
- Every article MUST have an Introduction and a Conclusion.
- Tables, Figures, Graphs and Diagrams MUST be clear and should have a brief but descriptive title just below it.
Submissions that do not conform to the above guidelines should be returned for modifications before entering the review process.
- Once the articles are received from the authors, Research Unit will send the articles in both - word and pdf format by email to the respective reviewers. They should print the hard copy of the same if required at their end for review.
- The reviewed article MUST be returned along with the reviewers form failing to do so, the articles will not be accepted by RU.
- The editorial board is required to check the paragraph formations and other formatting issues with the help of original pdf version of the article.
- The team is required to critically review the papers in a non-judgemental manner and submit the changes in either soft (in track change mode) or hard copy to RU on or before the assigned deadline.
- The editorial board members will take turns in alphabetical order in writing the editorial. The sequence of articles in the editorial needs to be maintained as per that in the issue.
- The board members are expected to maintain complete confidentiality and objectivity with regard to manuscripts and the entire review process.
- Once appointed on the Editorial Board, the member is required to submit at least one manuscript to Perspectives in Social work every year.
- Each and every member of the editorial board should make conscious efforts to invite good quality research articles through their networks
- Alumni (faculty, non-faculty and students) of the college may be motivated via emails and requested to contribute good articles and book reviews for the journal
- Faculty members of the college should be encouraged to write articles and book reviews related to their work area.
- Students of the college should also be stimulated/ supported to write good articles or book reviews related to their area of interest or their research topic
- They should strive to increase awareness of the journal, encourage colleagues and students to read and subscribe
- An editorial board meeting will be held immediately after the publication of quarterly issue of perspectives in Social Work. It is mandatory to for all the members to attend the editorial board meetings related to Perspectives regularly. Agenda for every meeting of Perspectives must be prepared and circulated well in advance to all the members. Minutes of the meetings should also be maintained for every meeting and its compliance to be discussed during the next meeting
- A dummy copy of every issue in hard format to be handed over to the RU within eight days of receiving the final articles.
- The AV unit in charge should print and make the bound copies ready for distributionwithin 15 days of receiving the edited version of the issue from the editor.
- Once the articles are received from the authors, Research Unit will send the articles in both - word and pdf format by email to the respective reviewers. They should print the hard copy of the same if required at their end for review
- The key roles of the RU will be –
- To communicate with the authors on receipt of their article and to update them regarding the publishing timeframe on inquiry
- To coordinate with the institutes regarding the subscription charges and communicate the changes in the same if any over a period of time
- To regularly coordinate with the editorial board once the articles are assigned to them for review
- To hand over the final version of the copyedited journal by the editor to the AV unit for printing and distribution
- To communicate with the authors on receipt of their article and to update them regarding the publishing timeframe on inquiry
- The RU should strive to increase the awareness of the journal among various agencies who have commissioned their studies to RU in the past and present and among the alumni of RU and promote its subscription