Guidelines for Book Reviewers
Pre-requisites for a Book Review
The book under review should have been published in the last two years and should have direct relevance to the field of social work.
Expectations of a Book Review
The book review can include the following aspects.
- Title of the book (underlined/italicized), edition, name(s) of the author(s)/editor(s),year of publication and name of publisher (separated by a colon), ISBN number, Format (hardcover/soft cover), number of pages and price of the book
- Objective/theme of the book
- Contents/organization of the book
- Intended audience for the book
- Perceived response of the audience/user (would you recommend it to the user)
- Approach of the book (topical/analytical/chronological /descriptive/ biographical)
- Concise summary of contents
- A critique of the content of the book (language and presentation)
- Remarks on the strengths and limitations of the book, originality, implications for practice, contribution to knowledge, contemporary relevance, applicability to Indian conditions in case of a foreign book, adherence to ethical practices in referencing information)
- Conclusion
A book review could also include:
- A catchy quip/anecdote that succinctly delivers the reviewer's perspective/viewpoint/argument
- Relevant information of the author, where he/she stands in the genre/field of enquiry
- A note (where appropriate) on how well the text is supported by tables/ diagrams illustration
- Quote with a specific page reference. Excessive quotations to be avoided
Points to note when the book is an edited version comprising chapters from many authors:
- Summary of each chapter or section (in keeping with the abovementioned guidelines)
- Way in which the central theme is dealt with in each chapter or section
- Name of the author and related information
Editing Procedure
The Editorial Board reserves the right to modify the Book Review for length, clarity and content. The reviewer's concurrence to this is assumed, unless specified otherwise by the reviewer.
Typescript for a Book Review
The book review should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with margins of at least one inch on all sides on A4 paper and SHOULD NOT exceed 1500 words.
Publication of Book Reviews
The Book reviews are scheduled by the Editorial Team of Perspectives as per the quality of the review and contemporary issues. Priority will be given to invited book reviews. Every book reviewer gets a complimentary copy of the journal issue in which their review gets published.